Author: Martina

I have attended church since birth, came to the Lord at age 7, and continue on this journey. I am a full-time gynecologist (more tha 30 years), am currently working on my MDiv at Rockbridge Seminary (online). I have taught Sunday school since I was a teenager. I now speak and lecture on religious and medical topics. I occaionally preach, as opportunities present themselves. I have been blogging for 3 years. My focus is on life lessons and the development of leadership skills, using Biblical examples, primarily. I am also a mother, grandmother, sexual assault victim's advocate, entrepreneur, book-lover. I can be contacted at: Twitter handle:@gynedoc1 Blog:

There are a number of things I wish someone had shared with me at the beginning of my blogging, and even though I am not an expert by any means, I can help you pass over a few of the newbie pitfalls.