Author: Kurt Steinbrueck

Kurt Steinbrueck is the Director of Marketing Services with OurChurch.Com. He also serves on the leadership of Family of Christ Lutheran Church in Tampa, FL. You can find him on Google+ as .

I write a lot about the importance of search engine optimization for the success of your website. That’s because traffic from search engines is typically the largest source of traffic a website has. But it’s not the only source and it really shouldn’t be. What would happen if you got kicked out of Google tomorrow?

Social media has become very popular with both individuals and organizations, but is your organization using social media right? There are good ways to use social media and there are ineffective ways. How can you be effective?

You have a website because you want it to accomplish something, converting people from visitors to customers, students, members, and so on. So, how can you get more of your visitors to convert? Here’s one simple way to increase conversions that you can do for free today.

Links are still very important in SEO. They are bacon to on-page optimization’s eggs. However, some bad characters have sprung up with amazing link building promises, but which can steal your money or lead you into the dark ally of Google penalties. So, what are these bad characters?

It’s the thing no website owner wants see. You log into Google Webmaster Tools and see a notification that you’ve been penalized. It’s happening more and more, but there is hope. We’ll tell you how we got a penalty removed and how you can do it, too.